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    Interludes – Act 3 – deufert&plischke – A Worn World – Kuopio

    By Future DiverCities 1 month ago
    Home  /  Portfolio Item  /  Interludes – Act 3 – deufert&plischke – A Worn World – Kuopio

    As the 3rd chapter of our remote Interludes, ANTI Festival and Savonia University are inviting the artists deufert&plischke (DE) for a new participatory art project in Kuopio. Kattrin Deufert and Thomas Plischke have started the work with the local students of our partner lead, Savonia University and open the process to all audiences in Kuopio during the festival.

    A Worn World invites people of any age, origin, gender and ability to take part in open workshops and atelier – to share stories of clothes, shame, memories and fears, to exchange experiences and hand-on-practices. Clothes can produce memories and emotions like fear, shame and sometimes simply pleasure. They have a distinct relation to the self: they carry spores of desire, appear in phantasies, remind us their former wearers, and mark social relation. In wearing clothes the personal and imaginary meets the symbolic and the social. Kuopio citizens are invited to knit, sew and test different articles of clothing/objects/materials, discuss somatic experiences, dance, move – to transform. Working will happen in teams but there is always a space to plunge into individual universes. Each collaborator will hold a place in the artwork. Each process is documented and shared in mutually agreed forms.


    A Worn World is neither a workshop nor a performance but understands itself as an independent, yet ever fermenting artwork by engaging with the vibrant nature of clothes, tuning into their sensorial specificities, exploring gender prescriptions, collecting memory associations, investigating the politics of their fabrication, inventing ways that they can augment our bodily faculties. This travelling artwork will grow on stories about fear, shame, pleasure, ex-or inclusion, the potential that clothes contain for the making and marking of movement, for the presence of a person, and how shifts in presence can be provoked and acknowledged.

    The project is supported by Goethe-Institut Finnland and German Federal Foreign Office.


    “A Worn World is a new artwork by deufert&plischke. There are two spaces: a communal atelier and a club. Designers and dancers invite people to work with them: to design and make clothes, to explore the somatic dimension of clothes, their memories and histories, to dance. Clothes can produce memories and emotions like fear, shame and sometimes simply pleasure. So they have a distinct relation to the self: they carry spores of desire, appear in phantasies, remind us their former wearers, and mark social relation. Wearing clothes the personal and imaginary meets the symbolic and the social.”
